about me…

Hello Gorgeous!  I’m Sarah, (aka Zukie) so glad you’re here. 

In my previous life (before photography) I worked in the culinary arts for over two decades. I am indeed a foodie and always will be. I also fancy myself as a wine connoisseur, nothing beats a long day more than a glass of my favorite wine and cuddling with my hubby. I set down my culinary career almost 6 years ago to be a stay at home mom. If I’m not chasing my kiddos or dogs or spending time with my amazing husband, I am helping customers with our beautiful photography rental studio.  We have a crazy busy life and our family keeps us on our toes.

But In the hustle and bustle it can be so hard to feel like you are making a difference beyond your own family. At least for me that’s how I felt. I have wanted for the longest time to empower women. I am a huge advocate of women knowing their value and self worth. I love attending conferences and finding ways to help all my sisters know they are way more than a taxi, cook, referee and certified butt wiper. After several years of just being a mom, I decided I wanted my identity back, to have a conversation with someone over 5 years old. Don’t get me wrong… it is pretty entertaining sometimes. I missed my friends and desperately wanted something more, I just could never figure out how I could do it. 

Then I got to experience a Boudoir session first hand. There is no way to express to you how much more confidant and beautiful I felt when the shoot was over. It surprised me… then it clicked! (pun intended) My husband and I have been in the photography industry for over 15 years but I personally never felt that it fed my goals and desires, until that day. This was not only something that I loved but also gave me purpose outside my family. For the first time, I picked up a camera and realized this was the vessel I had been searching for to accomplish my sense of purpose. I have never looked back! I am Hooked!  

I believe there is beauty in every woman! I absolutely love showing my clients the back of my camera and hearing them say “That’s me?” It fills my heart with Joy to see them have a more confident outlook on their own beauty. I have the best Job in the world!

Photography has been very good to us over the years and we have made lifelong friendships with countless people because of it. We are often asked what our secret is to success… I think it’s because we genuinely care for each and every one of our clients. It’s never just been about business for us, it’s always been about the people… whom we now call friends.